
The population of Canada is growing, and with it, the question of how to live final years in comfort and dignity is becoming increasingly important. With an average life expectancy of 82.52 years, Canadian seniors are looking for the best way to make the most of their retirement years and live in their homes for as long as possible.

Understanding Aging in Place

"Aging in Place" is a term that describes the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level. According to a survey by the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP), 85% of older adults in Canada wish to age in place. When compared to Assisted Living, Aging in Place often wins due to its potential for preserving independence and maintaining familiar environments.

Planning for Aging in Place

To ensure the feasibility and sustainability of Aging in Place, careful planning is required. This planning should ideally begin before any sign of declining health or capability. Family and friends and caregivers play a significant role in planning, from providing physical assistance to giving emotional support. Financial planning is also critical and may involve various funding sources, including pensions, savings, and reverse mortgages.

Senior Living Options

While Aging in Place is a popular choice, it is just one of many senior living options available. Other options include assisted living facilities (also known as long term care facilities) such as retirement homes and nursing homes. However, each of these options brings a different set of costs, benefits, and lifestyle changes, requiring careful consideration.

Even though these other living options exist, it’s clear that most seniors wish to live in their homes as long as possible and will only consider moving into an assisted living facility when it becomes absolutely necessary.

Challenges of Aging in Place

Aging in Place brings physical, mental, and emotional challenges, impacting a person's ability to live independently. Difficulty with activities of daily living such as cooking, cleaning, and self-care can arise and make it difficult to live safely, particularly for those with health conditions.

When daily living becomes more difficult, a senior could try and manage or become dependent on a family member.  Social support from the government is becoming increasingly harder to qualify for.  It leaves the older homeowner in a dilemma: try and maintain their hopes for aging in place or moving into a senior living community.

Even if a retired homeowner looks for additional in-home care the costs for these personal support services are rising dramatically.  The costs of hiring in-home care services for these tasks can add up quickly, presenting a significant financial challenge for many. 

Home Safety for the Elderly

Safety at home is paramount for seniors choosing to Age in Place. From reducing trip hazards to installing sufficient lighting, ensuring home safety for the elderly involves a comprehensive check and necessary modifications to the living environment.

While some homeowners are able to modify their homes to suit their needs, there are services that can help homeowners make these modifications.  Many renovators are beginning to offer these services to make it easier for homeowners to make these modifications.

The Role of Technology in Aging in Place

Aging in Place technology, from health monitoring devices to home automation systems, can facilitate anyone’s ability to age in place. The future trends in this field promise even greater comfort, safety, and independence for those wishing to Age in Place.

Aging in Place and Home Modifications

Home modifications for seniors are a vital part of making Aging in Place a viable option. These modifications, based on universal design principles, aim to create a senior-friendly home design that enhances accessibility and safety. 

A report by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) found that there are a number of ways a homeowner can modify their homes to properly Age in Place. These modifications can range from simple additions, such as grab bars in the bathroom, to more significant alterations, like installing stair lifts or lowering kitchen countertops.

Aging in Place and In-Home Care Services

Even with accessible home features and senior-friendly designs, some seniors may require additional support for daily tasks or medical care. In-home care services provide a range of services, from assistance with household tasks to medical care, depending on the individual's needs.

Aging in Place and Reverse Mortgages

A significant concern when planning to Age in Place is how to finance the necessary changes and ongoing costs. While homeowners can use their savings to fund their aging in place plans, this option may not be available for everyone.  In those cases, reverse mortgages offer a potential solution. 

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Homeowners can borrow up to 55% of the current value of their home, providing a sizable sum for home repairs or improvements. The popularity of reverse mortgages in Canada is growing, with the number of reverse mortgages increasing by 25% year-over-year.

At RetireBetter, we have seen this growing demand for reverse mortgage first hand.  As experts in the field, we know most homeowners are not familiar with reverse mortgages and would encourage them to read our complete guide to reverse mortgages.

Age-Friendly Communities

Age-friendly communities, which aim to make their environments more accessible and comfortable for seniors, can also facilitate Aging in Place. These retirement communities may offer private services, or integrate with social services.  Typically the amenities and design features are conducive to Aging in Place.

The Future of Aging in Place

As Canada's population ages, Aging in Place is likely to become even more prevalent. This shift will have broad societal impacts, including changing demands for housing and healthcare. Preparing for this future is crucial, both on an individual and societal level.


Aging in Place offers a way for seniors to maintain their independence and comfort while living in their own homes. However, it requires careful planning and consideration, particularly in terms of home modifications and finances. 

Reverse mortgages provide a practical way to meet the costs associated with Aging in Place, which will be an essential aspect of many seniors' futures in Canada. However, understanding the specifics and making the most out of a reverse mortgage requires expert knowledge. 

At RetireBetter, our reverse mortgage specialists are ready to help you navigate this crucial financial tool. We encourage you to take a proactive step towards your future and schedule a consultation with our experts today. With the right plan and support, Aging in Place can be a comfortable, dignified, and financially sound choice for your golden years.


Q: What is "Aging in Place"?

A: Aging in Place is the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.

Q: What is a reverse mortgage, and how can it support Aging in Place?

A: A reverse mortgage is a loan that homeowners aged 55 or older can obtain, using their home equity as collateral. This loan can be used for various purposes, including home repairs or improvements, making it a potential financial solution for Aging in Place.

Q: Why is financial planning crucial for Aging in Place?

A: Financial planning is essential because Aging in Place can involve several costs, such as home modifications and hired help for daily tasks. Additionally, regular living expenses and potential health care costs must be considered.

Q: What are the challenges of Aging in Place?

A: Challenges of Aging in Place include physical, mental, and emotional changes that can affect independence, difficulties in performing daily tasks, and the financial cost of making home modifications and hiring help.

Q: What are some common home modifications for seniors?

A: Common home modifications include installing grab bars, ramps, stair lifts, accessible showers, and lowering countertops in the kitchen. These changes are based on universal design principles to increase accessibility and safety.

Q: How can technology help in Aging in Place?

A: Technology can provide health monitoring, emergency alert systems, and home automation features, enhancing safety, comfort, and independence for seniors at home.